Page name: Fantasy Critters Shortstories [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-30 14:09:58
Last author: Mystii
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Fantasy Short Stories

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Okay I know everyone has a short story in them somewhere, or even a small blerb from a longer story. If you have a really long one please tell me and what I might do is create a wiki page and for maybe a week let someone put a good sized story on it for everyone to read.. and then change it when someone else wants to put a story up. But if it is short and sweet post it below! Most important thing have fun guys!!! Post away

[kanaseria] The prologue 2 my vampire story Graveview, hopefully up on Elfwood soon. gimme feedback!!!

“I shouldn't have come.” James Yearwood pulled his trench coat collar closer in, and knocked on the door again. The rain clouds that had been promising all day finally started their deluge. James sighed and knocked again. He checked the address on the folder he held in his hands, it was correct, sadly. This place was a mess. The windows were broken and the porch was sagging. The ink of the company logo started to smear. Jones, Davis, and Yearwood was a successful law firm on Graveview, an island off the western coast of America. He sighed again. This client was very strange, scheduling all of his appointments at night. He raised his hand to knock again but was thrown off as the door opened.

“Good evening, the master will see you now.” A gorilla of a butler said to him. James wrinkled his nose, such attire on a butler he had never seen. A tuxedo that looked out of the dark ages, and on top of that rather tattered and stained. He sighed and followed the butler into the hall. The attire of the large house left something to be desired also. The paintings and statues were covered in layers of dirt and grime, and here and there stood a pot of flowers in varying stages of decay. He slid his hand along the wall, and then pulled it up in front of his face. A cobweb stuck to his fingers, along with a dark substance and a layer of dirt. He wiped his hand on his pants and followed the butler into a large room.

His nose wrinkled once again as he took in the room. A large desk was placed directly in the middle of it and was littered with papers and various objects and artifacts. The butler left the room, and closed the door. James walked up to the desk and picked up a large knife that had been lying on top. To his surprise, it was unusually light. He put it down and started to reach for another object when he heard a voice.

“I would thank you kindly to stop touching my prized artifacts.” James looked up. The chair behind the desk started to turn. James drew back from the desk just as the man's face came into view. The man in the chair was pale, with a thin face. He had dark eyes, and a stern nose. His mouth was too dark a red for one as pale as he was, and his dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.  He had a heavy European accent that James tried to place. “It has taken me years to collect them and I do not wish to go looking for more.”

“Of course of course.” James mumbled and started shuffling through the folder. “Now Mr., um, Stratarontu, is it? You just need to sign on this line and this whole unpleasant business will be over.” James held out the sheet. The man took it into his hands, then placed it on the desk.

“Yes, yes, but, before I sign, lets celebrate the ending of this so called unpleasant business.” He pulled a cord that brought the gorilla scurrying back into the room. “Caimbridge, bring up a bottle from the V section." The gorilla ran out and soon returned with a large wine bottle. He put a glass before each of them and poured. As he finished, he stood back from the desk and placed the bottle on the edge. James picked up his glass.

“Such dark coloring, how old is this bottle?”
“It is eighteen.” The question seemed to bring a smile to the man's face.

“And that smell is different from the usual scent, what is it?”

“Perhaps from being in the cellar for so long.” The man placed his elbows of the desk and leaned on them. “Do you know what makes this bottle exceptionally special?”


“It is a virgin wine, how you would say, the bottle has never been opened.” He started laughing then, a deep laugh that sounded almost like a cackle. James skin crawled from the sound and he raised his glass to his lips. He took a sip and spit it out.

“Are you crazy.” He said, spitting more and more. “That's not wine, that's”

“The finest blood in the world, the sweetest also.” The man stood up. “The blood of an eighteen year old virgin.”

“Jesus Christ.” James stood up. “But then you're a, a”

“Yes, James, I am.” The man jumped over the desk to where James sat, frozen in horror.

[the monster...]
It comes closer…closer…closer… it seems to grow larger with each step…your fear grows almost to match the size of the monster before you…you scream but no sound escapes your lips…you try to move but find your parylized…still the moster comes closer…you close your eyes and imagin your in your bed sitting up reassuring your self it was all just a bad dream… you open your eyes…the monster is now in standing in front of you…it becomes smaller and smaller it's body morphing into a child-like being…you close your eyes tight…and when you open them…you find yourself staring into the eyes of a monster but a child smiling in a seemingly god-like white dress…she has a white ball which she bounces… whe starts to sing as the light in the room fades away slowly… “mothers, fathers, girls and boys, their so fun and their the best toys”…you feel your heart being squeezed by an unmentionable force…you open your mouth to scream…but instead see your very soul being sucked out of your body and form a white smoke –like ball floating above the palm of the little girls hand…the light completely fades away and all you can see is the girl… the force squeezing your heart stops…you suddenly sink into a strange feeling of nothingness…you smile for you feel you have a new friend…a little girld dressed in white bouncing her white ball as she sings… “mothers, fathers, girls, and boys, their so fun and their the best toys…”
by:[metallickittycat] i was board...tell me what you think plz...

Raventalon's Storyis wayyy too loooong to put on this page...

[Mystii]'s Story - The Daemon Slayer
It only the prologue, but it printed as four pages when i decided to print.

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2004-03-06 [kanaseria]: hehe... i think i might put 1 up, tha prologue 4 my vampire story graveview... would u like 2 review it first or should i jus post it?

2004-03-07 [kanaseria]: alrite... so i posted a different 1, so sue me

2004-03-10 [grieverx13]: Hn...this seems interesting...might consider putting a bit of mine up one day, anyway...well...first off...I don't exactly know what to think I need to read more first...:P

2004-03-10 [kanaseria]:! b honest

2004-03-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: Whoooooooooooooooo! Very good!

2004-03-10 [kanaseria]: thanx! yay! i got another 1 on my house but its not campires, its demons n elves

2004-03-10 [Gwendylyyn]: wow......that's awesome... i want to see't leave me hanging like that

2004-03-11 [kanaseria]: lol. thanx... i guess i can post part of another chapter... its not all so full of action...

2004-03-12 [kanaseria]: i'm slowly goin crazy!!!!! well... crazier than usual... comments pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-14 [Three Tailed Fox]: "This page is in need of a Guardian." I'll be the guardian!

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: augh!!!!!! scariness...

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: That's awesome!Keep going!

2004-05-29 [TheNavigator]: I almost never have time to read through even some of the shortest stories on the internet, so I was only going to read the begining, but I really got into this story. You can really bring a person into your story. In the middle one part realy got me hoocked. But my favorite part was the very last sentince, it was intense!!

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: thank you much. whoa... this things been up 4 almost 3 months... i guess if no one else has a story i could post another one

2004-05-29 [TheNavigator]: Realy think you should! I would put up one of mine but I already have it up at fantisy stories (it's actuly a link from Fantasy art though)

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: kool. i'll take a look at it. i actually have another story in the works, but it's kinda longer and more in depth than this one

2004-05-29 [TheNavigator]: I think you should put up what you have in works so you can get imput!

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: actually, i do have one finished longer one the origin of kanaseria and the one i'm workin on... well it's a continuation of that one

2004-05-29 [TheNavigator]: I'll take the time and read your other story you have up, tomarrow! (or mabye sooner!)

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: lol. ok thanx

2004-07-24 [metallickittycat]: can i make one up and put a story of mine own on here?

2004-07-24 [metallickittycat]: i have one and its really cheezy.....SOoOoOooOoOoO......i'l put it here.....but dont judge my writting skills on it cause its one of the cheezier storys that i'v written

2005-05-15 [VampireChick08]: uuuuh.... well.... the main character is annoying. paying so much attention to the dirt!

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